3,083 research outputs found

    Fast Dynamic Model of a Moving-base 6-DOF Parallel Manipulator

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    Deciphering a multi-event in a non-complex set of detrital zircon U–Pb ages from Carboniferous graywackes of SW Iberia

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    The determination of U–Pb ages from detrital zircons of sedimentary rocks using LA-ICP-MS has been widely used for the purpose of provenance analysis. One problem that frequently arises is finding a population that appears to be non-complex despite several perceptible age peaks in its spectrum. These peaks are qualitatively defined by means of relative probability diagrams, or PDFs, but it is difficult to quantify their statistical significance relative to a zircon forming multi-event. Thus, can a multi-event in a non-complex set of detrital zircon U–Pb ages be deciphered and characterized? The aim of this study is to attempt to provide an answer to this question by means of statistical analysis. Its objectives are: a) to determine the best minimum number of zircon age populations (peaks), BmPs, b) for the characterization of each peak in terms of age and event duration; c) to compare the results obtained from two datasets showing similar zircon ages; and d) to demonstrate the usefulness of deciphering these BmPs. First, cluster analysis is carried out, aimed at grouping zircon ages into a set of consistent clusters. A Gaussian Kernel function is then fitted to each cluster and summed to obtain a theoretical PDFm (modeled probability density function). Finally, the selected modeled PDFm (that built on the BmPs) is that which reports the lowest number of peaks for which the difference as compared with the original gPDF (global probability density function) is equal to or below 5%. Deciphered BmP peaks can be characterized and used for characterizing and providing an understanding of related event(s). A geological interpretation, based on the results obtained, is attempted. This includes a robust measure for maximum age of deposition for both Cabrela and Mértola graywackes

    Mathematical model of brain tumour with glia-neuron interactions and chemotherapy treatment

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    Acknowledgements This study was possible by partial financial support from the following Brazilian government agencies: Fundação Araucária, EPSRC-EP/I032606/1 and CNPq, CAPES and Science Without Borders Program Process nos. 17656125, 99999.010583/2013-00 and 245377/2012-3.Peer reviewedPreprin

    Polyneuropathy in the critical ill patient: a common diagnosis in intensive care medicine?

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The diffuse axonal polyneuropathy, more commonly known as Critical Illness Polyneuropathy (CIP), has been discussed by authors by decades; however, it has only been deeply studied over the last thirty years, becoming more important as an important cause of long term dependence on mechanical ventilation by seriously ill patients in intensive care medicine. CONTENTS: A significant reason for such interest is due to the importance of the CIP as complication of the septic shock and in patients with multiple organ failure, as much as responsible for the prolonging hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit, as for the gradual reduction of the chance of survival. It has been suggested that the polyneuropathy is related with cytokines and other mediators which would increase the permeability of the vases, resulting in endoneural edema and causing the axonal injury. It is difficult to do the initial diagnostic, which, in general, are only possibly recognized when the sepsis complications or the multiple organs failure have been satisfactorily controlled. The diagnosis is made through the eletroneuromiography exam, and although there is still no effective drug treatment other than the control of the basic illness, it is consensus among multidisciplinary team that the development of the CIP does not have to be understood as a way to reduce the intensity of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Spit of your prevalence, it is still unknown the mainly factors which are physiopathology associated as soon as your correct therapy.JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A polineuropatia axonal difusa, hoje mais conhecida como polineuropatia do paciente crítico (PPC), tem sido relatada por autores há décadas, porém, apenas nos últimos 30 anos, ocupa maior importância como causa de dependência prolongada de ventilação mecânica, em pacientes gravemente enfermos internados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Esta revisão teve por objetivo apresentar os princípios tópicos que norteiam a fisiopatologia, diagnóstico e tratamento desta doença em Medicina intensiva. CONTEÚDO: A importância da PPC como complicação inicial do choque séptico e em pacientes com disfunção de múltiplos de órgãos e sistemas (DMOS) está claramente descrita como responsável pelo prolongamento da permanência na UTI e, também pela redução gradativa da probabilidade de sobrevida. Sugere-se que a polineuropatia esteja relacionada com as citocinas envolvidas na sepse, além de outros mediadores que aumentariam a permeabilidade dos vasos, resultando em edema endoneural e lesão axonal. Seu início é de difícil diagnóstico, geralmente sendo possível apenas quando as complicações da sepse ou falência de múltiplos órgãos tenham sido adequadamente controladas. O diagnóstico é feito através da eletroneuromiografia. Apesar de ainda não haver nenhum tratamento medicamentoso efetivo, além do controle da doença de base, é censo comum, entre equipes multidisciplinares que o desenvolvimento da PPC não deve ser entendido como forma de reduzir os esforços do tratamento. CONLUSÕES: A despeito de sua prevalência, ainda permanecem desconhecidos os fatores claramente associados à sua fisiopatologia, bem como adequada terapia para o manuseio desta condição.UNIFESP-EPMAMIB AMBUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Cardiovascular complications related to cocaine use: case report

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Cocaine is the most commonly used illicit drug and its acute and chronic effects are related to a variety of physiological changes, mainly in the cardiovascular system. This study is a case report of a patient with cardiomyopathy related to cocaine use. CASE REPORT: A 19 year old men, who has been using cocaine and crack since 15 years old, was admitted to the emergency department (ED) in February 2006 with progressive dyspnea during minimal efforts and bloody expectoration. During the physical exam it was observed legs edema, jugular stasis and dyspnea at rest. The echocardiogram demonstrated left ventricular hypocinesia, a 17 mm ventricular thrombus and a 12% ejection fraction. A bleeding from the left upper lobe was identified during a pulmonary bronchoscopy which was treated with arterial embolization. After 48h of the procedure, the patient was asymptomatic and an antithrombotic treatment with warfarin and enoxaparin was started. No obstruction was found at the cineangiography and the patient was discharged after clinical improvement. The patient was admitted again to the intensive care unit in July with intense chest pain and dyspnea at rest. A new cineangiography was performed and it was observed occlusion in the anterior descendent coronary artery. CONCLUSIONS: The cocaine acute effects are commonly seen at the ED but the chronic effects, as the cardiovascular manifestations, can take longer to be correlated as a side effect of cocaine use. Its prolonged use is related to left ventricular systolic dysfunction due to hypertrophy or myocardial dilation, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, myocyte apoptosis and sympathetic damage.JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A cocaína é uma droga ilícita amplamente utilizada e o seu uso tem sido associado a efeitos decorrentes da toxicidade aguda e crônica em praticamente todos os órgãos, particularmente no sistema cardiovascular. Este artigo visou descrever um caso de cardiomiopatia em paciente jovem usuário crônico de cocaína. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 19 anos, usuário de cocaína por inalação e crack desde os 15 anos de idade. Foi internado em fevereiro de 2006 devido a dispnéia progressiva aos mínimos esforços e expectoração sanguinolenta. Ao exame físico apresentava edema nos membros inferiores, estase jugular e dispnéia em repouso. Foram observados no ecocardiograma: dilatação das quatro câmaras cardíacas, com hipocinesia difusa de ventrículo esquerdo (VE), trombo mural em VE de 17 mm e fração de ejeção de 12%. Realizada broncoscopia pulmonar que identificou sangramento em língula ativo, tratado com embolização. Após 48h do procedimento, o paciente manteve-se assintomático e sem expectoração sanguinolenta. Iniciado tratamento antitrombótico com warfarina e enoxaparina. A cineangiocoronariografia não evidenciou lesões obstrutivas e o paciente recebeu alta após melhora clínica. Re-internado em julho de 2006 com dor precordial de forte intensidade e dispnéia de repouso. Nova cineangiocoronariografia evidenciou oclusão de terço médio da artéria descendente anterior. CONCLUSÕES: Os efeitos agudos da cocaína freqüentemente motivam atendimento de emergência. Já as suas manifestações crônicas, como as doenças cardiovasculares, podem produzir alterações de difícil correlação futura ao seu consumo prévio. O uso prolongado da cocaína está relacionado à alteração da função sistólica ventricular esquerda por hipertrofia ou dilatação miocárdica, aterosclerose, disritmias cardíacas, apoptose de cardiomiócitos e lesão simpática.UNIFESPUniversidade São FranciscoUNIFESPSciEL

    Spatially explicit analysis reveals complex human genetic gradients in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The Iberian Peninsula is a well-delimited geographic region with a rich and complex human history. However, the causes of its genetic structure and past migratory dynamics are not yet fully understood. In order to shed light on them, here we evaluated the gene flow and genetic structure throughout the Iberian Peninsula with spatially explicit modelling applied to a georeferenced genetic dataset composed of genome-wide SNPs from 746 individuals belonging to 17 different regions of the Peninsula. We found contrasting patterns of genetic structure throughout Iberia. In particular, we identified strong patterns of genetic differentiation caused by relevant barriers to gene flow in northern regions and, on the other hand, a large genetic similarity in central and southern regions. In addition, our results showed a preferential north to south migratory dynamics and suggest a sex-biased dispersal in Mediterranean and southern regions. The estimated genetic patterns did not fit with the geographical relief of the Iberian landscape and they rather seem to follow political and linguistic territorial boundaries.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. SFRH/BD/97200/2013Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. IF/01262/2014Ministerio de Economía | Ref. RYC-2015-18241Ministerio de Economía | Ref. MDM-2014-0370Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CGL2016-75389-

    Rheological and sensorial evaluation of yogurt incorporated with red propolis

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the use of red propolis extract, as a natural additive, in yogurt. For this, yogurt was produced with red propolis extract (YRP), to replace the additive chemical potassium sorbate, used in the commercial yogurt (CY). Analysis for apparent viscosity, texture and sensorial acceptance were performed. Apparent viscosity and texture measurements of the samples were similar to the control. Sensory evaluation showed that the samples of YRP reached a mean score of 9 on the hedonic scale, the same score found for CY. Regarding the purchase intention, the samples of YRP showed a positive intention by 64.45% of the consumers, and for CY, 68.89%. For the taste, texture, aroma and consistency, the scores were in the range from 8 to 10, for both samples. It can be concluded that the yogurt incorporated with red propolis presents potential for its commercialization in the Brazilian market.The authors thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Brazilian government (Finance Code 001), and Leonardo Fonseca Maciel and Denilson de Jesus Assis of the Pharmacy Faculty of Federal University of Bahia, and the technical team of the INSECTA laboratory from Federal University of Bahia Reconcavo for their support during the research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio